Hello everyone!!
Sorry I have been slacking again on the posts, but college is pretty tough sometimes! I have promised myself to post at least once a week though.

This past Saturday was Campus Visit Day at Marymount. It was our first one of the semester, and the first time a lot of the new ambassadors had given any group tours. Pretty exciting day to be honest.
The students who come to CVD are high school juniors, high school seniors, even college transfer students who are interested in Marymount. The day has a resource fair with all the different majors and offices at MU, breakout sessions for different MU-related points, and of course... campus tours! That's where I come in! I've been an ambassador for a year, so I'm pretty used to giving large group tours (Have you ever walked 30 middle schoolers around a college campus and tried to explain why college dorms were a thing, and why everyone didn't just take the bus to their classes? Yeah, that was a true test of my communication skills.)
This CVD I only had a tour of two families. One was from Boston (YAY!) and one was from the NoVA area. Unfortunately neither student was interested in fashion :( but they complimented me on my styling of the polo! I told them that I hate dressing like everyone else, so just a polo and khakis is totally not going to fly with me.
Anyone who was a college ambassador knows that you have to stay on schedule! A watch and a little bit of marked time stamps on my hand will certainly do the trick.
Too bright for the name tag to be seen, but you guys know who I am anyways...
Also this vest has saved me so many times... the pockets hold key cards, room keys, cell phones, program schedules, I probably could have fit my water bottle to be honest :P
Vest: J. Crew sold out (similar, similar)
Polo: MU! (do you really want a polo?, another one?)
Chinos: H&M (similar, similar)
Shoes: H&M (similar, similar)
Linking up today with:
Hi, you look great in that vest! I found the same on this site Originalluxury