Although I love being as fabulous as possible today, sometimes I do miss being all farmy and the animals my family used to raise. BUT if I do ever feel like I miss that lifestyle, I can just head home because nowadays the Anderson's raise tractors..... Literally. My yard has more tractors and vehicles, and lawn mowers, and machinery (basically anything that runs on an engine I'm pretty sure) than I can count. My brother, Tom and my Dad make a hobby out of rebuilding old tractors.
Usually when I come home Tom is somewhere outside driving a tractor around the yard. This week he chose this John Deere to cruise in... Which coincidentally is one of my favorite tractors we have (mostly because it's the prettiest). So naturally I chose it to take some blog pictures!
I am OBSESSED with my new J. Crew vest. I love the color, the pockets, the drawstring, the zipper... Everything!! It also helps that I got it on sale earlier last month :D I paired it with this lace peplum top and tank top from Forever 21 because I wanted to complement the off-white lace and the army green vest. For some more color, (and by that I mean A LOT of color) I wore coral jeans from Old Navy. Ironically they matched my nail polish and my recent necklace purchase from Forever 21! My sandals are the same from Wednesday (sadly because I only brought home one pair of shoes) and are from Target. Rings are a combination of thrift store finds and given to me by Gramma... But aren't they fab?!
My stay at home was much too short, (only 5 days #sadface) but it was spent with my family and that's all I can ask for. I got to visit Boston with my mom, go to Plymouth with Hanna and Tom, visit Gramma everyday, see one of my best friends Brenna (photo creds to her on this post <3), hang out which my cats and dog, and Grace even let me do her hair!
See you in December, love you guys!!
Now here's some embarassing shots Brenna caught of me struggling getting on and off the John Deere... It harder than it looks.
Super cute! I love a denim vest or jacket for a cool and casual look!